Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


The general labor intensiveness of study of discipline makes a 3 test units (108 hours).

Purpose of discipline. Theoretical knowledge of rational natural management bases and complex mastering of deposits, and also practical abilities of technological tasks decision and calculation of forming charts and man-caused deposits mining for future specialists. Realization of this knowledge in practice will promote efficiency of rational technological decisions acceptance on the complex use of mineral raw material and decline of the ecological influence on an environment at the open cast mining.

Tasks of discipline – to give the students the knowledge at rational natural management at the open cast mining of mineral deposits, also to teach, that the complex use of mineral raw material is a modern necessary task which will allow to promote efficiency of development of minerals on 15-25 % and considerably to reduce the ecological loading on an environment.

Basic didactics units (sections):

Essence of the complex use of mineral raw material at the open cast mining of mineral deposits.

Conception of raw mineral-material base development reorientation of Ukraine on the use of passing minerals (PM).

Technology of selective development of PM beds different mine transport equipment.

Choice of rational technology of selective mining of PM beds depending on the mining-and-geological terms of their bedding.

Requirement to development of man-caused deposits forming flowsheets.

Model forming charts of man-caused deposits (TD).

Systematization of creation terms TD.

Requirement to technology of forming TD.

Choice and ground of mining flowsheets TD.

As a result of discipline study «Rational the natural management» a student owes:

to know: essence of the complex use of mineral raw material; conception of raw mineral-material base development reorientation of Ukraine on the use of passing minerals, namely – quantitative and high-quality purpose, and also basic principles of raw mineral-material base mining optimization of mining region; substantive provisions of passing minerals beds systematization on the terms of development their opened method; method of parameters calculations of PM selective mining technology beds different mine transport equipment, namely: by the technique of cyclic and continuous action, mobile equipment (bulldozers, loaders and dragshovels), cyclic and continuous technique; effective technology of PM selective mining beds depending on their thickness, location place and complication group on the terms of bedding.

to be able: to define necessary norms for the choice of mine transport equipment and calculation of flowsheets of PM beds selective mining depending on the development mining terms of deposits; to determine the supplies of minerals in a man-caused deposit; to choose a rational mine transport equipment for development of man-caused deposit; to execute the calculations of parameters and drafts of forming flowsheets and mining of man-caused deposits a different mine transport equipment.

Types of educational work: lectures, practical training, independent work.

The study of discipline ends with examination.



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